OMG!! Where do i start? So this is a free ebook on kindle. I got it as i thought it was a shifter book. But its not. This book had me hooked, not straight away but by chapter 2, i couldn't put it down.
It centers round Tommy & he is living rough, sleeping on the streets. when we first meet him he's getting locked up for being drunk & disorderly. It seems to me that this isn't the first time he's been in custody. It starts slowly but picks up the pace quickly. Mickey, is Tommy's good friend who is also homeless. There is some strong characters in this book, other than Tommy, Mickey shows loyalty, Ally a Scottish guy who is, Suki & Jess. I was glad there was no weak characters.
At a point in the book, i do jump to the wrong conclusion. I did think it was all to do with drugs. But its not, he doesn't take drugs, he doesn't want to drink but sometimes its beyond his control. Tommy does get himself into some close shaves but he can't stop it from happening.
I hope Richard Crawford writes book 2, I want more, so much more, want to find out what happens to the gang!!