I am really getting into these books. I did think at first this was a little slow but it soon picked up and i am loving both Lucien and Anya. They do make an adorable couple. I am so glad they managed to be work passed their issues and be happy together.
The Lords seem to have got themselves into hot water, not only is Aeron free and hunting down Danika and her family but Reyes is also tracking them in hope to save Danika. Meanwhile Paris is not himself after being caught by the hunters and tortured he manages to escape but at what cost? he really is not himself. Can anyone reach out to him? help him come back.
I am feeling that there is other forces at work here. Who ever or what ever it is. I feel and think it is trying to divided the lords. Set anarchy (and i don't mean Anya) within its ranks.
These are interesting books, ones that have humour, wit, fun, romance, drama and excitement. I love books that make me gasp or cry or laugh.