I didn't think i would finish this book as it didn't grab me at first, it was a little slow and it took me a little time to warm to the two main characters. Maybe a third the way in, it started to pick up at a good rate. I liked how tough Cat is and how she is strong even when she and Bones got together she was still tough.
The story developed slowly, yet picked up the pace. Bones trained Cat, making her even tougher. She took everything he handed out but the Cat is special, she is part human and part vampire. After her mom was date-raped by a new vampire. An unheard hybrid and one who is trying to rid the world, well her corner of the world, of these leaching evil blood-suckers.
Bones shows her that not all vampires are evil and some do live without killing to survive. Cat and Bones work so well together, Cat is a surprise to most. And Bones loves her. It takes a while for Cat to realise that she too is in love.
I will go on to read the other books in this series. Yes i really want to follow Cat and Bones on another adventure. Will Bones find Cat? I understand why she did what she did, not that i agree with it, but i can understand why.